Tate and Parker were playing in my Sunday School room after worship Wednesday evening...the night before Bradley's birthday. There is lots of room to run and play and they enjoy it. I was talking to Bradley and letting him know I was just about to leave when BANG immediately following by a blood-curdling scream. Tate and Parker were playing tag and Tate tripped and fell straight on the edge of a metal chair. The knot on his head was HUGE and stuck out almost 3 inches from his head. Scary. It looked so bad I really couldn't look at him. I felt it and did the necessary things before deciding to call a sweet doctor friend for evaluation. He was sensitive but ok and cleared the neurology tests that Dr. Jan did. We woke him up every hour to make sure he was still conscious and took him back to our pediatrician the next morning. Now, 4 weeks later, the knot is really small and the bruising all down his face is nearly gone. Parker cried. I cried. Bradley cringed. It was terrible! I felt certain our night would be spent in the ER, but the Lord held us and allowed us to go on home. I've seen many a goose eggs during my time as a parent...but this thing, it was scary!
This is Bradley on his birthday with the injury toddler. You could still see the bump looking at the back of Tate's head. It started to bruise that next day but really spread about a week later to his cheeks, eyes and temples. Ugh. Mother of Year. NOT.
Boys will be boys! Momma's heart had just about enough that day!
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